Monday, September 24, 2007

Installing Dynamic Server with Selected Features

No sense delaying it any longer. It's time to run the setup.

# ids_install

Do you want to run installer in GUI mode [y/n] : n

Apparently you have to have a DISPLAY environment variable set to use GUI mode.

*Choose (4) Begin Installation

Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10 Bundle

Accept the license agreement without reading it. You may have just contractually obligated your soul to IBM, but you'll never know, because you don't ever read license agreements.

Select the products you would like to install:

To select/deselect a product or to change its setup type, type its number:

Product Setup Type
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------
1. [ ] IBM Informix IConnect Version 3.00
2. [x] IBM Informix Client-SDK Version 3.00 Typical
3. [x] IBM Informix JDBC Driver Version 3.10

Other options:

0. Continue installing

BLAH BLAH BLAH. I accepted all the default suggestions. It installed successfully, but when I tried to run dbaccessdemo, I realized that I never put /opt/IBM/informix in my PATH environmental variable.

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